For a brief insight into the pressures and challenges faced by our police officers on the frontline, here is a selection of recent article extracts from real officers at the coal face of British policing. To read the full postings and comments from other officers, click the links to each article.
Chief Constables are bullies – fact
Apparently the Superintendents’ Association has been doing some research amongst its members & has found that half of senior officers are stressed & depressed.
A quarter of the 800 officers surveyed reported anxiety symptoms as moderate or severe, more than half complained of working 50-60 hour weeks and 40% reported that senior management’s approach to managing performance was “harsh and unhelpful”, and nearly a third said chief constables showed “bullying behaviour”. Others said stress and depression could be triggered by the exposure to traumatic incidents they encountered during their work. Nearly 40% said they did not have enough resources or staff to do the job effectively.
Welcome to the world of policing in modern Britain.
To read the full article & comments click here
Another lost vote
In another case of the tail wagging the dog the law changed recently to allow two lesbian partners to be named on a child’s birth certificate if the birth was as a result of IVF treatment.
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 has made it possible for two women to be named on the birth certificate rather than the mother & father.
Clearly designed to magnify the Labour government’s obsession with diversity credentials it means that the birth certificate becomes a work of fiction rather than a legal document recording the parentage of a child. The birth certificate will no longer record the genetic heritage of a child but the names of a couple who happen to call themselves parents at that specific moment in time. When a marriage or parnership between a mother & father breaks up those two individuals are still the mother & father. When a lesbian civil partnership breaks up at least one half has precisely zero genetic connection to the child.
To read the full article & comments click here
ACPO support long sentances...
Having read this article it doesn't surprise me one bit that ACPO are spouting incomprehensible rubbish.
The sentence in question is this:
'The promise of reform which the Green Paper heralds holds much for the public and Service alike; local policing, customised to local need with authentic answerability, strengthened accountabilities at force level through reforms to police authorities and HMIC, performance management at the service of localities with targets and plans tailored to local needs, the end of centrally-engineered one size fits all initiatives, an intelligent approach to cutting red tape through redesign of processes and cultures, a renewed emphasis on strategic development so as to better equip our service to meet the amorphous challenges of managing cross force harms, risks and opportunities.'
Anyone care to translate??
To read the full article & comments click here
Just One Crime
Apparently 1000 of London's CCTV cameras solved only one crime last year.This statistic amazes me. CCTV is pretty much a requisite of any prosecution in Blandmore whatsoever, regardless of the offence. You need only mention to the crown prosecutor to whom you are "selling" your case that the CCTV in a shop/street/dwelling was down/out/non-existent, to see a great sigh appear on their face and a big red pen cross out your hope of a conviction.
To read the full article & comments click here
Victim vs Customer
I've moaned a bit about victim focus recently. Mainly because the Senior Management have been moaning about it, and they tend to delete my email diatribes without responding - whereas they can't delete this without some serious effort and court injunctions.The problem is that whenever frontline police officers moan about Victim Focus, it sounds like we hate victims and want them to die.The truth is, we moan because the language of the government and Senior Management team assumes that the majority of our 'customers' are the same thing as 'victims'. They aren't. Victims of 'volume' crime* are generally bog standard, middle/low income, hardworking taxpayers. For these people, being burgled, having their car broken into, God forbid being mugged or having their kids being beaten up at school, are jaw-aching, heart-crushing blows in their already precarious uphill struggle of life. The chances of getting satisfaction over their burglar/thief/mugger/bully are virtually nil.
To read the full article & comments click here
What Really Matters At The Top
September 3, 2009 by inspectorgadget
I want senior police officers to read this and think about it. Not just curl their lips with derision, or excuse it all as nonsense, but to really think deeply. If they still can.
On Tuesday morning (before I went to bed) after a bank holiday weekend of unbelievable overstretch and under resource, I wrote a quick list of what we had achieved over the period on my Response Team.
1. We saved one life (elderly person trapped behind closed doors on death’s door, rescued by a double crew who booted the door).
To read the full article & comments click here
Is There Anybody Out There?
August 21, 2009 by inspectorgadget
Because we use your money to run our huge, top-heavy and mainly incompetent organisation; you have the right to know how things are working in Ruralshire this summer. And how things work every summer, and every Christmas.
To read the full article & comments click here
Sergeant Simon http://policelockerroom.blogspot.com/2009/08/back-to-basics.html
Back to basics
Was being sociable the other day and was chatting to some people I had just met. Conversations as they often do turned to work and what I do.I explained where I work, being a response team monkey somewhere in a suburb. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at their surprise when I said just how many police officers there were at any one time. It made me think for the unitiated i.e. those probably not reading this (never mind) there is a spectacular gulf between perceptions of police numbers and the reality of those on the streets who turn up when you call 999.
To read the full article & comments click here
Time to go code 11?
As a result of the recent nightjack ruling, I was asked by an american twitter friend of mine whether I would be blogging about how I felt about the ruling. At first I wasn't that keen, the judgement has sent a shockwave of fear amongst police bloggers and my initial reaction was to shut up shop. I initially resisted as I wanted to see how others felt first. I have seen a number of fellow bloggers out there walking away from what they love doing. Metcountymounty, The Plastic Fuzz, etc. Sad times, an indictment of how very expensive freedom of speech has become.
To read the full article & comments click here
Memorandum of understandings – what a load of….
Preconceived racially stereotypical organisational perceptions of the Black Police Association movement, (e.g born again 1960’s, anti racist, left wing agitating and loony, radical, badly behaving group), exist amongst many within the Police establishment. In fact the term “tiddly winks” to describe the organisational antics of some BPA’s is not unheard of. That some BPA’s are ineffective is another proper view, but then what is ineffective?
To read the full article & comments click here
Echoes of Bulger
Two brothers (aged 10 and 11 at the time of the offence) have pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent on two other boys aged 9 and 11.
The attack involved acts of torture, sexual incitement and threats to kill.
It would be difficult not to draw parallels with the murder of James Bulger in 1993 – news that horrified a country and forever permeated the national consciousness.
To read the full article & comments click here
Through these pages, we will provide collective information to raise public awareness of the plight of our British Bobby at the frontline of problems within our society.
Much of the detail will shock you.
So much of what really faces these Officers is thinly disguised in Government headlines about falling crime, increased resources and carefully selected statistics.
Not all of conclusions drawn from statistics are accurate. Many have a political "spin". Adminsitrative detections are one such example that we will explore in later posts.
Millions of pounds of taxpayers money is spent on strategic committees, civil liberties work groups, performance targeting and flavour of the month projects. Well intended though some of these activities are, they detract from the real issue : providing frontline officers with the resources they truly need to help improve the quality of our environment.
Front line officers are fed up with fiddled crime figures, mountains of paperwork that keep them tied up at the station and buried in bureaucracy. Senior police officers are placed under unreasonable pressure to meet bogus Home Office performance targets and dubious procedural compliance obligations. This pressure descends downwards, back to the Inspectors, Sergeants & Constables who find it increasingly difficult to simply "get the job done".
With statistical analysis reports and real life experiences, we will provide you with the real picture of crime and policing in the UK.
There have been many instances of well intended police officers being pressured into silence about the true condition of our country. If the law abiding, honest tax payer, sick of criminals ruling our streets, knew the full story, more pressure could be applied for the authorities to sit up and listen to what the public wants, and make the changes that are now urgently required.
We have no desire to become a mere "talking shop" about these issues. They are of major importance and most definately in the public interest. A period of information and data gathering (including the valuable opinion of the public) will be required. At such time as is appropriate, the information gathered will serve as one of the instruments of change.
If you are concerned about the crime and policing in the UK, please comment on these pages or feel free to contact us. (Details below).
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With Kind Regards
The Crime Analysis Team
Nice 1 Ltd
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